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1 Chronicles 29

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter that reminds me of Your greatness and Your sovereignty over all things. Thank You for the example of King David as he praised You for all that You have done and all that You are. Help me to have a heart of gratitude and praise towards You in all circumstances.

Thank You for the reminder that everything I have comes from You, and may I be a good steward of the blessings You have given me. Help me to have a generous heart and to willingly give back to You and to others with joy and gratitude.

May I always remember that You are the ultimate source of wealth, honor, power, and strength, and may I always seek after You above all else. Help me to have a heart that is fully devoted to You and Your purposes.

Thank You for Your faithfulness and Your goodness, and may I always give You the honor and praise You deserve.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on