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2 Re 21

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Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to You today with a humble heart, seeking Your guidance and strength. As I reflect on the words of this chapter, I am reminded of the importance of following Your commandments and walking in Your ways.

Father, I pray that You would help me to be faithful in following Your word and living a life that is pleasing to You. Give me the courage to stand firm in my faith and not be swayed by the temptations of this world.

I also ask for Your wisdom and understanding, that I may discern what is good and right in Your sight. Help me to be a light in this world, shining Your love and truth to those around me.

Finally, Lord, I ask for Your grace and mercy, knowing that I am unworthy of Your love. Thank You for Your forgiveness and for the gift of salvation through Your son Jesus Christ.

I pray all these things in Jesus’ name,




A prayer based on