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Lamentations 5

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. It serves as a reminder of the struggles and sorrows we face in life, but it also reminds us of Your faithfulness and mercy.

Lord, we come before You with heavy hearts, just like the author of Lamentations. We lament the brokenness and pain in our world, and we cry out to You for help and healing. We acknowledge our own sins and the sins of our society, and we ask for Your forgiveness and guidance.

Please, God, bring comfort to those who are suffering, hope to those who feel hopeless, and strength to those who are weak. Help us to trust in Your unfailing love and to find peace in Your presence.

We ask for Your wisdom and discernment as we navigate the challenges of our lives, and we pray for Your grace to lead us in the path of righteousness.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on