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2 Kings 25

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the reminder of the consequences of turning away from You and the importance of staying faithful to Your commandments. Help me to learn from the mistakes of others and to remain steadfast in my faith.

Please give me the strength to endure any trials or hardships that come my way, knowing that You are always with me. Help me to trust in Your plan and to remain faithful, even in the midst of difficult circumstances.

I pray for Your guidance and wisdom in all areas of my life. Help me to seek Your will above all else and to trust in Your perfect timing. Please give me the courage and perseverance to follow Your path for me, even when it is not easy.

Thank You for Your love, grace, and forgiveness. Please help me to show these same qualities to others, and to be a light shining Your love to those around me.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on