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1 Re 22

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Heavenly Father,

I come before You in prayer, seeking Your guidance and wisdom. Just as Micaiah stood before King Ahab and spoke truth in 1 Kings 22, I ask that You would give me the courage and boldness to speak truth in my own life and in the lives of those around me.

I pray that You would give me discernment to recognize the difference between Your will and the desires of my own heart. Help me to seek Your guidance in all things and to trust in Your wisdom above my own understanding.

I also pray for humility, knowing that I am not always right and that I need to submit to Your will. Help me to listen to Your voice and to be obedient to Your leading, even when it may be difficult.

I ask for Your protection from the lies and deceptions of the enemy, and for strength to resist temptation and stand firm in the truth of Your Word.

Thank You for Your faithfulness and for the example of Micaiah in 1 Kings 22. I pray that I would have the same courage and conviction to speak truth in love, and to always seek Your will above all else.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on