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1 Thessalonians 1

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for the example of the Thessalonian believers and their strong faith, hope, and love in You. Help me to also live a life that demonstrates these qualities to others.

Lord, I ask for the same kind of faith, hope, and love that the Thessalonian believers had. Strengthen my faith so that I may trust You in all circumstances. Help me to have hope in Your promises and to be a source of encouragement for others. Fill my heart with Your love so that I may love others genuinely and sacrificially.

I pray that my faith may be known in every place and that others may see Your work in my life. Help me to be a faithful witness of Your love and grace. Use me to spread Your Word and bring others to know You.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on