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Acts 9

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this chapter, where we see the powerful transformation of Saul into Paul. It reminds us of Your ability to change hearts and lives, and it gives us hope for our own transformation.

I pray that You would work in my own heart, bringing about a deep change that reflects the love and grace of Jesus. Help me to be open to Your leading and to be willing to change as You see fit.

I also lift up to You those in my life who are in need of a transformation. Whether it be a change of perspective, a healing of body or mind, or a turning of heart toward You, I ask that You would work in their lives as You did in Saul’s, bringing about radical change for Your glory.

Thank You for Your faithfulness and love, and for the hope we have in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on