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Isaiah 23

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter, which reminds us of the consequences of pride and arrogance. Help us to always remember to humble ourselves before You and not rely on our own strength or accomplishments.

Please give us the wisdom and discernment to recognize when we are falling into the trap of pride, and guide us to seek Your will above our own desires. Help us to be mindful of our actions and attitudes, and to always give You the glory for any success we experience.

We pray for the people of Tyre mentioned in this passage, that they may turn to You and find salvation through Your grace. May they come to know the peace and joy that can only come from a relationship with You.

Thank You for Your mercy and forgiveness, and for the promise of redemption through Jesus Christ. We trust in Your plan and Your perfect timing, and we ask for the strength to surrender ourselves to Your will.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on