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Matthew 21

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. It teaches me about the power of faith and prayer, and the importance of trusting in Your timing and plans. Help me to have a deep and unwavering faith in You, knowing that nothing is impossible with You.

Lord, I pray for the courage to boldly approach You in prayer, believing that You will hear and answer my requests according to Your will. Help me to surrender my desires to You and accept whatever answer You have for me.

May I have a heart of worship and reverence for You, just as the crowds praised You in the streets. Let my life be a reflection of Your glory and grace, shining bright for all to see.

I ask for strength and patience to wait on You, knowing that Your timing is perfect. Help me not to grow weary or lose faith in the midst of waiting, but to remain steadfast and hopeful in You.

Thank You, God, for Your love, Your faithfulness, and Your unending grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on