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Psalms 139

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Dear God,

thank You for Your Word and for this text that reminds me of Your intimate knowledge and care for me. You know my every thought, my every action, and my every struggle. Thank You for being a God who is always with me, even in the darkest moments.

You have searched me and known me, and I am comforted by the fact that there is nowhere I can go where You are not present. Your hand is always upon me, guiding me and protecting me. Thank You for never leaving me or forsaking me.

Help me to fully embrace the truth that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by You. Let me see myself and others through Your eyes, with compassion and grace. Lead me in the way everlasting and reveal any hurtful way in me, so that I may walk in Your righteousness.

I am grateful for the depth of Your love for me, and I rest in the knowledge that I am fully known and completely loved by You. Thank You for being my refuge and strength in all seasons of life.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on