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Esther 1

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this text from the book of Esther. Thank You for the story of Esther and for showing us how Your divine providence works in the lives of Your people.

As I reflect on the events in this chapter, I am reminded of Your sovereignty and how You work all things for good. I am inspired by Esther’s courage and faith in the midst of adversity. Please help me to trust You in every circumstance, knowing that You are always in control.

I pray that You would give me the same boldness and wisdom that Esther displayed, so that I may fulfill the purposes You have for me. Help me to be attentive to Your leading and to seek Your will above all else.

Thank You for Your love and faithfulness, and for being a God who hears and answers our prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on