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Ezekiel 2

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Thank You for speaking to Your people through the prophet Ezekiel and for the timeless truths found in this passage.

I pray that You would give me the boldness and courage to speak Your Word to those who need to hear it, just as You called Ezekiel to prophesy to the rebellious Israelites. Help me to be faithful in sharing Your message of love, grace, and redemption with those around me.

Grant me the strength to stand firm in the face of opposition and to trust in Your power and protection, just as You promised Ezekiel. Help me to remain obedient to Your call on my life, regardless of the challenges I may face.

I pray that You would open the hearts of those who receive Your Word through me, that they may be transformed and drawn closer to You. Use me as an instrument of Your will and bring glory to Your name through my words and actions.

Thank You for hearing my prayer, and I trust in Your faithfulness to answer. In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on