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Zechariah 12

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Dear God,

Thank You for Your Word and for this chapter. Your promises and Your sovereignty are on full display in this passage, and I am grateful for the reminder of Your faithfulness.

I am thankful for the assurance that You will protect and defend Your people, and that You will ultimately bring about Your kingdom in fullness. Please help me to trust in Your promises and to walk in the confidence of Your unwavering love and power.

I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for the salvation of Israel. May Your Spirit move mightily in the hearts of all who dwell there, and may they come to know the saving grace of Jesus Christ. My heart longs for the day when all nations will turn to You and acknowledge Your lordship.

Please strengthen my faith and fill me with Your peace as I navigate the challenges and uncertainties of this world. Guide me, protect me, and use me as an instrument of Your love and truth.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.



A prayer based on